Tag: Bracelet

Showing 1–16 of 30 results

  • Amethyst Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Amethyst Bracelet corresponds with the Third Eye chakra, awakens the sixth sense, protects from mishappenings, brings calmness, reduces stress & anxiety, and gives spiritual success.

    Benefits of Amethyst Bracelet:
    • It exalts the planet Saturn.
    • This divine stone activates the mind & awakens the sixth sense with which you assume spiritual powers.
    • Truly intuitive is the one who wears the sacred amethyst bracelet.
    • This highly spiritual bracelet helps in meditating and like practices.
    • It is also a Third Eye Chakra opener with which you become the knower of the future.
    • The cooling effects that this bracelet contains relieve stress & anxiety and helps in having sweet sleep.
    • The power of this bracelet makes you confident, expressive, discriminating and decisive.
    • Amethyst improves bonding with family, friends and associates.
    • It supports the healing process of the body, thus, used for regulating blood circulation and curing skin disorders.
    • It ensures success & financial stability.
    • It brings love, luck, health and harmony to life.
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  • Amethyst Raw crystal – 100gm

    0 out of 5

    Amethyst carries a high frequency that protects the energy field, clears the aura and chakras, and purifies the individual, removing any negative energy and allowing them to move forward in life, into higher states of consciousness. Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra.

    The Benefits of Raw Amethyst Crystals

    Here are just a few potential benefits of incorporating these crystals into your daily life:

    1. Spiritual and emotional healing

    Amethyst is known as the “stone of spiritual protection” and is believed to help cleanse negative energy and promote emotional balance. Many people use raw amethyst during meditation or prayer to promote spiritual healing and enhance intuition.

    2. Physical healing

    In addition to its spiritual properties, amethyst is also believed to have physical healing properties. It is said to help alleviate symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and stress, and can even aid in the healing of physical ailments like headaches and respiratory issues.

    3. Improved focus and clarity

    Amethyst is thought to enhance mental clarity and focus, making it a popular crystal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their concentration.

    4. Positive energy

    Many people believe that raw amethyst can attract positive energy and enhance feelings of peace and tranquility in the home or workplace.

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  • Amethyst Raw crystal – 1kg

    0 out of 5

    Amethyst carries a high frequency that protects the energy field, clears the aura and chakras, and purifies the individual, removing any negative energy and allowing them to move forward in life, into higher states of consciousness. Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra.

    The Benefits of Raw Amethyst Crystals

    Here are just a few potential benefits of incorporating these crystals into your daily life:

    1. Spiritual and emotional healing

    Amethyst is known as the “stone of spiritual protection” and is believed to help cleanse negative energy and promote emotional balance. Many people use raw amethyst during meditation or prayer to promote spiritual healing and enhance intuition.

    2. Physical healing

    In addition to its spiritual properties, amethyst is also believed to have physical healing properties. It is said to help alleviate symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and stress, and can even aid in the healing of physical ailments like headaches and respiratory issues.

    3. Improved focus and clarity

    Amethyst is thought to enhance mental clarity and focus, making it a popular crystal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their concentration.

    4. Positive energy

    Many people believe that raw amethyst can attract positive energy and enhance feelings of peace and tranquility in the home or workplace.

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  • Amethyst Raw crystal- 200gm

    0 out of 5

    Amethyst carries a high frequency that protects the energy field, clears the aura and chakras, and purifies the individual, removing any negative energy and allowing them to move forward in life, into higher states of consciousness. Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra.

    The Benefits of Raw Amethyst Crystals

    Here are just a few potential benefits of incorporating these crystals into your daily life:

    1. Spiritual and emotional healing

    Amethyst is known as the “stone of spiritual protection” and is believed to help cleanse negative energy and promote emotional balance. Many people use raw amethyst during meditation or prayer to promote spiritual healing and enhance intuition.

    2. Physical healing

    In addition to its spiritual properties, amethyst is also believed to have physical healing properties. It is said to help alleviate symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and stress, and can even aid in the healing of physical ailments like headaches and respiratory issues.

    3. Improved focus and clarity

    Amethyst is thought to enhance mental clarity and focus, making it a popular crystal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their concentration.

    4. Positive energy

    Many people believe that raw amethyst can attract positive energy and enhance feelings of peace and tranquility in the home or workplace.

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  • Amethyst Raw crystal- 500gm

    0 out of 5

    Amethyst carries a high frequency that protects the energy field, clears the aura and chakras, and purifies the individual, removing any negative energy and allowing them to move forward in life, into higher states of consciousness. Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra.

    The Benefits of Raw Amethyst Crystals

    Here are just a few potential benefits of incorporating these crystals into your daily life:

    1. Spiritual and emotional healing

    Amethyst is known as the “stone of spiritual protection” and is believed to help cleanse negative energy and promote emotional balance. Many people use raw amethyst during meditation or prayer to promote spiritual healing and enhance intuition.

    2. Physical healing

    In addition to its spiritual properties, amethyst is also believed to have physical healing properties. It is said to help alleviate symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, and stress, and can even aid in the healing of physical ailments like headaches and respiratory issues.

    3. Improved focus and clarity

    Amethyst is thought to enhance mental clarity and focus, making it a popular crystal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their concentration.

    4. Positive energy

    Many people believe that raw amethyst can attract positive energy and enhance feelings of peace and tranquility in the home or workplace.

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  • Black Tourmaline Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Black Tourmaline Bracelet protects from the evil eye & Tantrik attacks, increases virtues, kills negativity, fetches positivity, opens the aura, brings good luck, lessens mood swings, prevents allergies, promotes health, and helps dealing with day-to-day.

    Benefits of Black Tourmaline Bracelet:
    • It fetches the virtues of the fortunate planet Jupiter.
    • It is a birth bracelet of Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn.
    • Black Tourmaline devours negativity of all sorts in and around the wearer.
    • It is a magnet to positivity which it brings to the life of the wearer.
    • Making you positive enough, it attracts ample meaningful opportunities and good luck in life.
    • Black Tourmaline calms the anger and adds stability and maturity to your nature.
    • By keeping you cool and calm, it helps you deal with the adversities of life with ease.
    • It deals with changing moods and helps you remain in a healthy/positive mood all along.
    • Alongside, it prevents mood swings, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.
    • People use it to prevents nightmares, phobias, and unnecessary fears, thus, helps you have a sweet and relaxing sleep.
    • The mighty bracelet – Black Tourmaline – promotes both mental and physical health.
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  • Blood Stone Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Bloodstone is believed to enhance physical vitality and strength. Wearing a bloodstone bracelet may help to boost energy levels, promote stamina, and support overall physical health.


    • Enhances physical strength and vitality.
    • Promotes endurance, stamina, and overall energy levels.
    • Provide support during challenging situations.
    • Support the body’s natural cleansing processes.
    • Removes impurities and promoting overall well-being.
    • Supports blood circulation and cardiovascular health.
    • Improves blood circulation.
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  • Carnelian Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Carnelian Bracelet pleases the Mars planet, motivates you, develops courage & confidence, makes you take actions & initiatives, helps achieve higher goals, shuns lethargy, makes you energetic, makes personality solid, and fetches material gains.

    Benefits of Carnelian Bracelet:
    • It exalts the planet Mars.
    • It empowers & motivates you.
    • It makes you action-oriented & fearless.
    • It fills you with life force.
    • It stimulates the Root Chakra & Sacral Chakra.
    • It develops & enhances masculine power.
    • It makes you determined enough to achieve the set targets.
    • It makes you courageous to present yourself before others.
    • It makes you kind-hearted, loving and passionate.
    • It keeps you energetic throughout and wards off the lethargy.
    • It improves lifestyle.
    • It makes your personality solid and authoritative.
    • It boosts up your physical stamina.
    • It makes you truthful & expressive.
    • It enhances your skills & talents.
    • You come out as a positive & powerful person.
    • It releases unnecessary emotions.
    • It helps you overcome all obstacles and difficulties courageously.
    • It helps in overcoming sexual anxieties.
    • It fulfils your worldly desires.
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  • Crystal Bracelet

    5.00 out of 5

    Crystal Bracelet exalts Venus planet, attracts goddess Lakshmi, removes financial problems, enhances personality, treats diabetes, and makes life luxurious.

    Benefits of  Crystal Bracelet:

    The benefits of wearing a Crystal Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

    • It is an ultimate remedy for Shukra (Venus).
    • This divine bracelet aligns the body, mind & soul.
    • When its charm is at work, you feel rather energetic.
    • The bracelet of Venus is obvious to bless with an attractive physique & charming personality.
    • Its soothing beads promote the required mental peace, thus, improving the quality of life.
    • It has a cooling effect that provides a calm mind, lessens pains, reduces anger, and promotes health.
    • Crystal Sphatik is quite effective in treating fever, diabetes, blood-related issues, migraine, and other headache issues; it speeds up the healing process of the body.
    • Not only physical but it is also best to use for neuron issues.
    • Making you rather intuitive, the Crystal Sphatik bracelet helps you see beyond what exists.
    • It also develops wisdom and discriminating power.
    • The bracelet of Shukra improves the personality, character, tastes, and preferences of the wearer.
    • For love & romantic relationships, this bracelet is a boon. One attains a highly blissful & successful love life by wearing this adorable bracelet.
    • Shukra is the Karka of marriage, its bracelet removes obstacles & delays in marriage.
    • It reduces fears & phobias.
    • Crystal Sphatik is pleasing to goddess Lakshmi, thus, bringing prosperity and uplifting your financial & social status.
    • It wards off negativity, poverty, and sorrows in life.
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  • Firoza Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Firoza Bracelet is in higher demand due to the metaphysical properties it holds. Whether it is a spiritual success, occultism, financial gains, academic excellence, beauty, or sound health, Blue Magnesite Turquoise proves fortunate in every area of life.

    Benefits of Firoza  Bracelet :
    • Firoza Bracelet is a throat chakra specialist that balances the Vishuddha Chakra.
    • It promotes the benefits & qualities bestowed by the fortunate planet Jupiter such as luck, knowledge, wisdom, humor, health, wealth, honor, expansion, and all possible ones.
    • It gives exceptional results in higher education. If you are learning tough subjects, wearing this bracelet can increase your learning power and adaption.
    • Firoza helps you transform weaknesses into strengths, failures into lessons, delays into opportunities, and foes into friends. Overall, anything negative around turns positive with the advent of this luckiest bracelet.
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  • Green Aventurine Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Green Aventurine bracelet exalts Mercury, attracts luck, improves communication skills. Develops business sense. Increases talent. It is considered as an alternative to emerald.

    Place the green aventurine bracelet. Green Aventurine bracelet can be worn regardless of the day and time.

    Benefits of Green Aventurine Bracelet:


    Enhances self-confidence, encouraging a positive outlook on life.

    Green aventurine helps in healing and purifying your entire body.

    Encourages leadership skills and decisiveness in various situations.

    Green aventurine bracelets are believed to attract luck, wealth and success.This bracelet helps to increase emotional healing compassion and empathy.This bracelet is very important to boost confidence.

    Who Shall Wear Green Aventurine Bracelet:

    • People having the weak Mercury in the horoscope shall wear it.
    • People born on the 5th, 14th & 23rd of any month shall wear it.
    • People with Gemini Sun Sign shall wear it.
    • People with Virgo Sun Sign shall wear it.
    • People desiring business success must wear it.
    • People having skin issues must wear it.
    • People having lungs, heart, and nervous system issues must wear it.
    • People who are emotionally unhappy shall wear it.

    On Which Day to Wear Green Aventurine Bracelet:

    Green Aventurine Bracelet can be worn irrespective of day and time. However, prefer to wear this magical bracelet in the daylight.

    How Many Green Aventurine Bracelet s to Wear?

    One bracelet is enough; however, more bracelets can be worn to enhance beauty.

    Preventions While Wearing the Green Aventurine Bracelet:

    There are no such preventions to be followed while wearing the bracelet.

    How many beads one bracelet Have?

    A bracelet must contain a minimum of 18-20 beads.

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  • Howlite Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Howlite is quite a soft & sober stone. The stone is stuffed with immense spiritual energies. It is also called a healing stone which is widely used for various healing purposes. Alongside, this calm-looking stone brings emotional balance, achieving which one could easily achieve the spiritual level. It is essentially used by spiritual practitioners, as it takes them to the state of oneness.

    Benefits of Howlite Bracelet:

    The benefits of wearing a Howlite Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

    • It exalts the planet, Moon.
    • It fills one up with spiritual energy.
    • It is best to calm the anger, nervousness & anxiety.
    • It makes you lucky in money matters.
    • It ensures success in spiritual practices such as meditation, chakra balancing, Reiki, energy healing, Tantra & the occult.
    • It has a soothing effect on the nervous system, health, and aggression.
    • It lessens severe & acute pains.
    • Being a healing stone, it supports the body’s healing system and ensures quick recovery.
    • It develops great intuition power in one.
    • It increases your mental capacity and makes you think beyond.
    • It gets you unique, inventive, and productive ideas.
    • It develops a focus on your targets, thus, helping you achieve them.
    • It gets you the ability to accept & move on.
    • It develops understanding, wisdom, and maturity inside.
    • It helps you see the possibilities around.
    • It helps you manifest your desires.
    • It brings a marked change in your personality by making it interesting.
    • It sweetens & strengthens relationships.
    • It departs you from unwanted & unhealthy relationships and emotional pains.
    • It shows you the lighter and happiest side of life.
    • It makes you inspiring & expressive enough.
    • It throws the discomfort out of life and generates true bliss from inside.
    • It clears blockages on all three levels viz. physical, mental & spiritual, thus, helping in living an ideal life.
    • It impacts the Third Eye Chakra & Crown Chakra.
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  • Lava Stone Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Lava stone is not a gemstone but a stone given by nature itself. The formation of the great lava stones is an outcome of the volcano eruption; when the hot liquid comes out and dries, lava stones are formed thus. These stones made up of dried up lava can be available in black to grey colors with an exterior like a honeycomb. With the virtues of nature, this natural stone comes up with many spiritual, emotional, and health benefits.

    Benefits of Lava Stone Bracelet:

    The benefits of wearing a Lava Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

    • The lava stone represents the positive fire; this dynamic bracelet balances the inactive or overactive fire element, thus, fetching related benefits.
    • It has attributes of the earth element as well, which keeps you grounded, secured, and stable.
    • It is a solid guard against negativity, allergies, diseases, Tantrik attacks, black magic, and the evil eye.
    • It brings significant changes in personality and makes it rather attractive & charming.
    • It keeps you healthy throughout – as well as – promotes the growth of the organs.
    • Filling you with immense energy, it leaves no space for lethargy.
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  • Om Mani Padme Hum Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Om Mani Padma Bracelet is a type of bracelet that is based on the Buddhist mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum.” The mantra is one of the most important mantras in Tibetan Buddhism and is associated with the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara.

    In addition to the healing properties of the stones, the Om Mani Padma Bracelet is said to have a calming and centering effect on the mind and body.

    Benefit of Om Mani Padma Bracelet

    1. Promoting inner peace: The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra and the calming properties of the stones used in the bracelet are believed to promote inner peace and reduce stress and anxiety.
    2. Cultivating compassion: The mantra and the bracelet are associated with the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara, and are said to promote compassion towards oneself and others.
    3. Enhancing spiritual growth: The Om Mani Padma Bracelet is a tool for spiritual practice and can be used to enhance spiritual growth and understanding.
    4. Healing properties of the stones: The stones used in the bracelet are believed to have various healing properties, such as promoting emotional healing, calming the mind, and boosting energy levels.
    5. Strengthening the mind: The Om Mani Padma Bracelet is often used in meditation practice and is said to help strengthen the mind and improve focus and concentration.
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  • Pyrite Bracelet

    0 out of 5

    Pyrite Bracelet penetrates extreme energy, makes you insanely confident, wins authority, increases masculinity, makes winning a habit, boosts health, makes action-oriented, attracts money, increases social circle, and improves the quality of life.

    Benefits of Pyrite Bracelet:

    The benefits of wearing a Pyrite Bracelet are countless, yet some assured benefits experienced by people are shared below:

    • It contains the combined energies of mars & sun, thus, aggravating your fierce energies like passion, ambition, urge, confidence, leadership, authority, promises, ability to conclude, and physical power. Such a forceful bracelet is quite beneficial for success & fame in sports, gym, exercising or activities in which the body is involved.
    • The wearer of this bracelet assumes immense confidence and roars like a lion. Pyrite bracelet is truly meant for leaders.
    • It works with the solar plexus chakra and helps you receive its positive results.
    • It gives you power with a basic sense of how & when to apply it.
    • Making you rather ambitious & goal-oriented, the Pyrite bracelet helps you focus and achieve your goals eventually. Winners wear this lavish bracelet!
    • Pyrite is anti-lethargy, thus, making you action-oriented & determined. When any endeavor is being delayed due to the lack of action, employ a pyrite bracelet thus.
    • If you want to create your own image in society, then pyrite may help. It gives you fame & recognition for your deeds & achievements.
    • Since this bracelet is so powerful, even dense negative energies cannot penetrate it. It protects the wearer from external influences, negative energies, evil forces, and black magic.
    • Money, luxuries, comforts & honor fall at the feet of the wearer of the power bracelet like pyrite.
    • For success in politics or getting a higher position in the government sector, the energies of pyrite work the best. It has the ability to take a person from the floor to the sky.
    • Overall, the pyrite bracelet helps you create your own luck!
    • Healthies, pyrite is best used for viruses, blood-related issues, bone diseases, fungal infection, skin problems, respiratory system, endocrine, DNA repair, body weakness, impotency, infertility, low libido, sweating, nausea, ulcer, stomach problems, body acid, bad breath, sore throat, coughing, pulled muscles, diabetes, bloating, hiccups, nerve damage, arthritis, organ failure, hypoglycemia, and body fat.
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  • Pyrite Raw Crystal – 100gm

    0 out of 5

    Pyrite stones promote vitality and energy and are thought to enhance willpower, motivation, and persistence in achieving goals.

    Our raw natural pyrite stone specimens bring the bold “fool’s gold” vibrance into your home. pyrite energizes any space with its glowing metallic gold hue.

    Benefits of Pyrite Stone:

    • Promotes motivation, persistence, and mental clarity in achieving goals
    • Sparks creative flow and productivity
    • Provides protective energies and emotional grounding
    • Activates the solar plexus and sacral chakras
    • Enhances willpower and boosts self-confidence.
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